Angular component and Intellisense
Angular 2+ is great for building your next website and mobiles apps. It brings a whole gamut of new user experiences and fun that anyone can bring in.
Visual studio code brings a lot of fun and a sure tool for your development. At the same time, visual studio code marketplace is a useful place to get the extensions you want to install in your visual studio code IDE.
So, what are these extensions?
Visual studio code extensions provide a rich editing experience for Angular templates, both inline and external templates including:
(1) Completions lists
(2) AOT Diagnostic messages
(3) Quick info
(4) Go to definition
Client side data model…ummm..sounds cool. Isn’t it?
Model is a great way to get data back from your APIs and Angular does a great job to bind your client side models with your APIs. However, people, who are habitual of intellisense or not, this will be great for rapid development and catching errors during development.
Refer to a screen-shot below, where without intellisense, it is hard to guess model properties and you have to copy those properties back from your model in TS code. It is also prone to getting errors on the run-time.
Visual studio marketplace has a great extension called “Angular Language Service”, which helps writing a template dead easy and error free.
You must be wondering, what I am have to do to get that extension. Well, simply; click on the extension icon and search for “Angular Language Service” extension and install it.
Once installation has been completed, just go back to your angular template (.html file), place a dot after your model and boom. Yeah, you see it right. Model properties are right after the dot to be chosen.
Hope, you have enjoyed and ready for a rapid development!!!